Monday 23 June 2014


Hellllllo there!!! I'm back ....Well I haven't actually been away, i've just been working on some super cool projects which will be revealing themselves later on in the year (I promise its exciting stuff!!) 

In the meanwhile heres something I promised to share with you an age ago:

The title of this blog is how it all started with an email headed "TOP SECRET" landing in my inbox  (As they often do!) this particular email then lead to a beautiful gift for a "Wife to be" (Laura) from her finance on the morning of there wedding ...these are some of pages that were put into a book called 'Our story so far...' Laura loved it and we thought it was a pretty ingenious way for groom to score some brownie points before there marriage even began!! 

If you've got a TOP SECRET idea for a project that needs bringing to life ...then don't wait around, get in touch 07870752480