Monday 21 January 2013

BLUE Monday???

TODAY...apparently is blue Monday, meaning it is officially the most depressing day of 2013 (It is also my friend Leighton's Birthday! Poor thing!) I'm not going to let it get me down...Are you? Therefore the following is an attempt at putting a grin on your face!!!

First of all it is incredibly snowy outside, most of the country is under a fluffy, white blanket of snow. 

Which can only mean the country has gone to pot but lots of SNOWMEN are popping up in parks and gardens everywhere. Here's one the lovely people from The Refectory Table made for me, as I was lucky enough to be there 600th follower on twitter at the weekend. He certainly put a smile on my face!

Have you found me on twitter yet?

You might also want to cheer yourself up with a nice cup of tea and a read of today's Design Juices guessed it, its all about me! I was asked to talk about my work, education, influences and current work, if I've made you curious its a great opportunity to learn more. 

Did I put that smile back on your face?

Monday 14 January 2013

Cool Rules 4 Teens

Hey there, I thought you might quite like a nosey at my first project of 2013...

I've had the pleasure working with the brilliant Andy Cope from The Art Of Brilliance to create these 'Cool Rules 4 Teens". Its a short 2min read, great for all young(ish) people and big adults might learn a thing or two also!

What to see more? Then check out the full version here! And feel free to follow the link and pass it on!

If you've got an idea for another Cool Rule let Andy know at all the best ones will be illustrated and put together in VOL2!!! 

Have you got a project that needs bringing to life...drop me an email, I'd love to hear from you.

Monday 7 January 2013

HaPPy HApPy New Year...

Firstly HAPPY NEW YEAR to all and THANK YOU to all of those who supported me in 2012.
In December I had the absolute pleasure of working with the new fat DESIGN TEAM, look at what we produced...
...this desktop calendar!!!
Why not beat the January blues and decorate your computer with it, download it here for free!
Already 2013 and is looking to be an extremely exciting one work has already started on new project's which I can't wait to share with you and of course I have lots of ambitions, ideas and plans for the year's to the start of a GREAT ONE!